TY - ECHAP AU - PR Hunter AU - Y Andersson AU - CH Von Bonsdorff AU - RM Chalmers AU - E Cifuentes AU - D Deere AU - T Endo AU - M Kadar AU - T Krogh AU - L Newport AU - others BT - Assessing microbial safety of drinking water LA - eng PY - 2003 EP - 205 T2 - Assessing microbial safety of drinking water TI - Surveillance and investigation of contamination incidents and waterborne outbreaks UR - https://books.google.com/books?id=LlTWAgAAQBAJ&pg=PA205&lpg=PA205&dq=Surveillance+and+investigation+of+contamination+incidents+and+waterborne+outbreaks,+Hunter,+PR,&source=bl&ots=OfFUzIaBvl&sig=ACfU3U2PC0GpWDXPmOtlkaTslOmKiuxp-w&hl=en&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwj9q5 ER -