Experiment ID
Agent Strain
A. castellanii HN-3
Contains Preferred Model
Culbertson, C. G., Ensminger, P. W., & Overton, W. M. (1966). Hartmannella (acanthamoeba). Experimental chronic, granulomatous brain infections produced by new isolates of low virulence. American Journal of Clinical Pathology, 46, 305-314.
Exposure Route
brain invasion
Host type
# of Doses
Dose Units
no of trophozoites
Experiment Dataset
Dose (no. of organisms) Positive Response Negative Response Total Subjects/Responses
100 7 73 80
500 31 49 80
1000 43 37 80

Culbertson et al. (1966) studied the pathogenicity of the HN-3 strain of A. castellanii (Culbertson et al., 1966; Marciano-Cabral & Cabral, 2003) on ether-anesthetized-specific-pathogen-free (SPF) mice. Cultures of amebae were grown in trypticase soy broth and diluted so that 0.03 mL of a concentrated suspension could be instilled intranasally into the mice by placing fluid over the nares (Culbertson et al., 1966; Culbertson, Ensminger, & Overton, 1965a; Culbertson, Ensminger, & Overton, 1965b).

The exponential model provided the best fit to the data. 

Figure 1: Plot of exponential model fit to Experiment 5 with upper and lower 95% and 99% confidence
Figure 1: Plot of exponential model fit to Experiment 5 with upper and lower 95% and 99% confidence

Culbertson, C. G., Holmes, D. H., & Overton, W. M. (1965b). Hartmanella castellani (Acanthamoeba sp.). The American Journal of Clinical Pathology, 43(4), 361–364.

Culbertson, C. G., Ensminger, P. W., & Overton, W. M. (1966). Hartmannella (Acanthamoeba): Experimental Chronic, Granulomatous Brain Infections Produced by New Isolates of Low Virulence. The American Journal of Clinical Pathology, 46(3), 305–314.

Figure 2: Histogram of the 10,000 bootstrap replicates of k for the best fitting exponential model fit to Experiment 5
Figure 2: Histogram of the 10,000 bootstrap replicates of k for the best fitting exponential model fit to Experiment 5