

Humans are the primary reservoir for poliovirus. While it is possible for chimpanzees and monkeys have demonstrated the ability to carry the virus, they have not been shown to be a significant reservoir.


It has been shown by a study of infected people in a tropical community in a developing country that an individual can shed more than 10^6 virus particles per gram of feces excreted.



Drinking Water

Enterovirus contamination in drinking water is rare if the water is properly treated, though low levels have been detected (Committee on Drinking Water 1979. It is unknown whether these low levels are sourced from viruses that made it through the treatment process or were introduced to the supply after treatment. The later hypothesis is of particular concern to virologists as low doses are capable of causing systemic infection that could go undetected for extended periods of time.

Ground Water

Virus occurence in groundwater is more common among shallow reservoirs and below surfaces that have had sewage or sludge application.

Organism Location Concentration Reference
Enteroviruses Groundwater (Israel) 20% of 99 samples (12% of positive samples were absent of other fecal indicators) Marzouk, Goyal, and Gerba 1979

Surface Water

Enteroviruses can be isolated in low concentrations from almost all surface waters receiving human wastes.


A major risk factor for virus ingestion are fish and shellfish, which an absorb the virus in the environment and eventually release it into humans when consumed. Isolation of enteroviruses from wild oysters living in lightly contaminated waters has been frequently reported.

Organism Location Concentration Reference
Poliovirus Oysters in seawater 600 oysters submerged in 20°C seawater spiked with 10^6 polioviruses / L. Within 1 hour virus concentration in the oysters was 27x higher than in the surrounding water. Mitchell and others 1966
Poliovirus Olympia oyster & Manila clam Contained 10x - 180x higher than in surrounding waters Hoff and Becker 1969
Poliovirus Olympia oyster & Manila clam Contaminated shellfish were held in disinfected seawater (6-16 deg C), concentrations in meat was reduced >99.9% after 96 hours Hoff and Becker 1969
Poliovirus Oysters in natural seawater environment 7.6% of samples contained enteroviruses in environment where 5.6% of water samples were positive. Vaughn and Metcalf 1975
Poliovirus Clams (Great South Bay, NY, USA) 30 viruses / 100 g of clam flesh Vaughn, et al. 1979



Organism Location Concentration Reference
Enterovirus Sewage (Lansing & East Lansing, MI, USA) 7% and 14% of samples Bloom, et al. 1957
Enterovirus Sewage (Haifa, Israel) 6x10^3 to 4.9x10^5 / L Buras 1976
Enterovirus Sewage 1x10^6 Buras 1976
Enterovirus Sewer-stormwater overflows (Seattle, USA) 1.3x10^3 viruses / L Heyward et al. 1979
Poliovirus Sewer-stormwater overflows (Seattle, USA) 1.3x10^3 viruses / L Heyward et al. 1979
Enterovirus Sewage (Ottawa, CA) Virus detection in 79% of samples, 7% of isolates were poliovirus Sattar and Westwood 1977
Enterovirus Raw sewage (Hawaii, USA) 100% of samples had enterovirus isolates at 1.9x10^4 / L Fujioka and Loh 1978
Enterovirus Raw sewage (India) 11,500 / L (80% of which were had poliovirus) Rao, Lakhe and Waghmare 1978

Enterovirus occurence in sewage can experience wide fluctuations depending on the infection status of the sewage system users. That being said, nearly all sewage systems contain some level of enterovirus. Generally, the level of enterovirus contamination increases when the served community has poor hygiene or large proportion of children. One can assume that sewage in developing countries contains at least 10^5 enteroviruses per liter (Feachem, 1983). Occurrence is greatest during the summer and fall months (July through November).


Airborne droplets of water and wastewater may contain enteroviruses, and these viruses may result in infection when inhaled. These droplets can be produced by flushing the toilet, spray irrigation, recreational activity (boating, splashing, etc.) or bubbling action such as is seen in activated sludge plants. Gerba, Wallis and Melnick (1975) found that when water seeded with 10^8 polioviruses was flushed, at least 2.8x10^3 infectious units up to seat level. It was also shown that it is possible for theses organisms to deposit throughout the bathroom.

Moore, Sagik, and Sorber (1979) were able to isolate small numbers of enteroviruses (up to 1.7x10^-2 per m^3 of air) 50 meters downwind of the wet-line edge of a wastewater spray irrigation site in California, USA.



Organism Location Persistence Temperature Reference
Enteroviruses Groundwater 90% reduction @ 11-14 days   Yeager and O'Brien 1977
Enteroviruses Shallow ground water (Florida, USA) 28 days   Wellings et al, 1975
Poliovirus River water 90% inactivation @ 46 hrs 4-8°C O'Brien and Newman 1977
Poliovirus 1 Rio Grande River (New Mexico, USA) 90% inactivation @ 25 hrs 23-27°C O'Brien and Newman 1977
Poliovirus 3 Rio Grande River (New Mexico, USA) 90% inactivation @ 19 hrs 23-27°C O'Brien and Newman 1977
Poliovirus Farm pond water 100% inactivation @ 63-84 days 20-25°C Joyce and Weiser 1967
Poliovirus Farm pond water Survived for >91 days 4°C Joyce and Weiser 1967
Poliovirus 1 Fresh water (polluted & non-polluted) 3 log reduction @ 3 to >14 days 20°C Hurst and Gerba 1980
Poliovirus Tap water 99.9% inactivation @ 91 days 18-25°C Lefler and Kott 1975
Poliovirus Distilled water 99.9% inactivation @ 112 days 18-25°C Lefler and Kott 1975
Poliovirus Tap water "completely stable in tap and distilled water for 231 days" 4-8°C Lefler and Kott 1975
Poliovirus Tap water 99% inactivation @ 80 days 18-23°C Kott, Ben-Ari and Vinokur 1978

Survival in water is dependent primarily upon temperature and extent of contamination. At temperatures less than 10°C survival times of between 24 and more than 272 days are reported. At temperatures above 20°C the range is 4 to 135 days (Feachum, et al. 1983). These studies were done in drinking water generally considered well treated. Little data exists as to the survival rates in systems that produce variable quality water like those found in many developing nations.

Feces & Sewage

Organism Location Persistence Temperature Reference
Poliovirus Sewage 99.9% @ 42 days 18-25°C Lefler and Kott 1975
Poliovirus Sewage 99.9% @ 231 days 4-8°C Lefler and Kott 1975
Poliovirus Sewage 100% "disappearance @ 110 days 18-23°C Kott, Ben-Ari and Vinokur 1978
Poliovirus Bombay sewage 22-40% loss @ 2 days 8°C Rao, et al 1977

Results of several studies indicate longer survivals than in river water, with survival times of over 231 days at <10°C and up to 110 days at 20°C (Feachum, et al 1983). It is hypothesized that prolonged survival in sewage is due to adsorption to solids.



Organism Location Persistence Temperature Reference
Poliovirus Oysters in contaminated seawater Survival for >6 days   Hedstrom and Lycke 1964

Low humidity environments will generally reduce the survival time (Feachum, 1983)


Organism Location Persistence Temperature Reference
Enteroviruses Seeded produce Undetectable on various produce @ 4-5 days 4°C Konowalchuk and Speirs 1975
Enteroviruses Seeded Produce (dilute feces) 4-5% detectable @ 5 days 4°C Konowalchuk and Speirs 1975
Enteroviruses Seeded Produce (undilute feces) 7-12% detectable @ 5 days 4°C Konowalchuk and Speirs 1975
Poliovirus Grape bunches 99% reduction @ 5 days 22°C Konowalchuk & Speirs 1977
Poliovirus Seeded tomatoes and parsley applied with unchlorinatedwaste stabilization pond effluent w/ exposure to sunlight 2.2% recovery @ 6 hrs   Kott & Fishelson 1974
Poliovirus Seeded tomatoes and parsley applied with chlorinatedwaste stabilization pond effluent w/ exposure to sunlight 1.6% recovery @ 6 hrs   Kott & Fishelson 1974
Poliovirus Seeded tomatoes and parsley applied with unchlorinatedwaste stabilization pond effluent in darkness 12.7% recovery @ 6 hrs   Kott & Fishelson 1974
Poliovirus Seeded tomatoes and parsley applied with chlorinatedwaste stabilization pond effluent in darkness 8.5% recovery @ 6 hrs   Kott & Fishelson 1974
Poliovirus Seeded tomatoes (outdoors) 100% inactivation @ 24 hrs 15-31°C Kott & Fishelson 1974
Poliovirus Seeded parsley (outdoors) 100% inactivation @ 48 hrs 15-31°C Kott & Fishelson 1974
Poliovirus Lettuce and radishes sprayed with secondary effluent/sludge 8-10 days after planting (2.5x10^8 viruses/L) Days immediately following spraying: Recovery of 2.9x10^4 viruses/100 g

Two weeks after: Recovery of 100 viruses/100 g

>36 days: Recovery of 10 viruses/100 g
19-34°C (Exposed to the Ohio summer which consisted of sunlight and periodic rain) Soil temperature of 45°C Larkin, Tierney and Sullivan 1976
Enterovirus Spiked water droplets on vegetables (lettuce, celery, green peppers, tomatoes, radish, and carrots) Undetectable @ 4-5 days 4°C Konowalchuk and Speirs 1975
Enterovirus Dilute feces on vegetables (lettuce, celery, green peppers, tomatoes, radish, and carrots) 4-5% @ 5 days 4°C Konowalchuk and Speirs 1975
Enterovirus Undilute feces on vegetables (lettuce, celery, green peppers, tomatoes, radish, and carrots) 7-12% @ 5 days 4°C Konowalchuk and Speirs 1975