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Parainfluenza viruses are the groups of viruses that cause parainfluenza. There are four different forms of HPIV cause an infection in the respiratory area of a person’s body. Symptoms of parainfluenza are like the common cold, like a fever, cough, wheezing, and sore throat.


Humans and animals.

Transmission / Exposure Route

It usually spreads from an infected person to another through the air by coughing, personal contact, and touching objects or surfaces that are contaminated.   

Case Fatality Ratio

Mortality due to the parainfluenza virus is very rare. Whenever it does occur, it is normally in the three main risk groups: very young, elderly, and immunocompromised. In developing countries, the highest mortality rate is seen in preschool students, HPIVs causing 10% of the deaths of preschool students. 

Incubation Period

It has an incubation period of 2 to 6 days. 


Parainfluenza viruses are RNA viruses that are 150-250 nm in size.

Enviromental Survival

Parainfluenza viruses’ most optimal ph is around 7.4 to 8. The optimal temperature is higher, above 37 degrees Celsius. 

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{{e.Rank | capitalize}}: {{e.ScientificName}}

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