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This infection can develop diarrhea, fever, and abdominal cramps.


Animals and Humans; In animals, it is mostly found in pigs. It has also been seen in pig products, poultry, dairy, and eggs. Immunocompromised individuals, older people, and younger children are more severely harmed, although all humans may get the infection due to food contamination. Most common hosts are animals, specifically, pigs and birds.

Transmission / Exposure Route

Humans usually get S. derby infection through contaminated food products, especially pig products. Also, contact with animals, in this case, pigs, can cause the infection. Lastly, human to human contact can also spread the infection. In animals, especially pigs, it is transmitted by too close contact with other pigs.

Case Fatality Ratio

In humans, there was no serious infections of S. derby.

Incubation Period

Most Salmonella bacteria have an incubation period of 4 to 7 days.


A Gram negative, rod shaped bacteria. It is approximately 2-5 microns long.

Enviromental Survival

It’s optimal temperature for growth is around 37 degrees Celsius. It grows in a facultative anaerobic environment, so it can survive in a dry environment for weeks and many months in water.

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