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Human Astrovirus causes infectious diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, fever, and abdominal pain. 


Humans, especially immunocompromised individuals, children, and elderly.

Transmission / Exposure Route

It is transmitted through the fecal-oral route. Contaminated food and water may also have a role in transmitting the virus. There is recent evidence that it can be transmitted from animals too. 

Case Fatality Ratio

Human Astrovirus is not usually severe, rarely leading to dehydration. Immunodeficiency and malnutrition usually makes the virus more harmful, leading to more severe cases or secondary conditions that could require hospitalization. However, hospital care rarely occurs. 

Incubation Period

The incubation period is approximately 3 to 4 days.


Human Astrovirus is a 28-36 nm diameter RNA virus, that has a five or six-point star surface when viewed under a microscope.

Enviromental Survival

Human Astroviruses are heat resistant for short periods of time about 56 degrees Celsius. They can survive for long periods below -20 degrees Celsius. 

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by {{author}} On Global Water Pathogen Project


{{e.Rank | capitalize}}: {{e.ScientificName}}

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