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This infection can develop diarrhea, fever, and abdominal cramps. Most people recover without treatment, however, in some instances, the diarrhea can be so severe that the patients are hospitalized.


Animals and Humans; Older adults, infants, and immunocompromised people are more likely to have a severe illness.

Transmission / Exposure Route

In many outbreaks of S. Bareilly infections it was due to raw meat, like tuna, that houses the bacteria. After being consumed by humans, the infection may spread from the intestines to the bloodstream and then to other body sites. Although death is unlikely, the person must be treated with antibiotics as soon as possible to avoid it.

Case Fatality Ratio

There were a total of 425 individuals infected by the Salmonella Bareilly bacteria in 2012. Of those, 55 were seriously ill, but no deaths were reported

Incubation Period

4 to 7 days


A Gram negative, rod shaped bacteria. It is approximately 2-5 microns long.

Enviromental Survival

It can survive for weeks in a dry environment and many months in water.

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{{e.Rank | capitalize}}: {{e.ScientificName}}

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