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C. hominis causes the disease, Cryptosporidiosis. The symptoms are: diarrhea, vomiting, anorexia, fever, and abdominal cramping. The respiratory system can be affected as well. It is usually self-limiting, but can be harmful to immunocompromised individuals.


Humans; Immunocompromised individuals and children are more likely to be affected by C. hominis, as it is self-limiting in healthy people.

Transmission / Exposure Route

It is spread through the decal oral route, by drinking water contaminated with oocysts feces.

Case Fatality Ratio

Mortality is generally low in immunocompetent patients. In immunodeficient patients, symptoms that are created can last for years, even being fatal. It can spread to other parts of the body, like respiratory tract, that can make the disease fatal.  

Incubation Period

Usually, the time from ingestion to illness is usually 3-5 days. It lasts up to 2 weeks.


C. hominis is a coccidian parasite. It is classified as a Sporozoa, since it releases sporulated oocyts, which are infectious and about 5 microns in size.

Enviromental Survival

Like C. parvum, they are highly resistant to chlorine and can survive for 2 to 6 months in a moist environment.


\[P(response)=1-exp(-k\times dose)\]

Optimized parameters:
k = 5.72E-02
ID50 = 1.21E+01

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by {{author}} On Global Water Pathogen Project


{{e.Rank | capitalize}}: {{e.ScientificName}}

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