Export 1061 results:
Schoen, M. E., & Ashbolt N. J. (2011).  An in-premise model for Legionella exposure during showering events. Water research. 45, 5826–5836.
Korajkic, A., Brownell MJ., & Harwood VJ. (2011).  Investigation of human sewage pollution and pathogen analysis at Florida Gulf coast beaches. Journal of applied microbiology. 110, 174–183.
Wölbeling, F., Munder A., Kerber-Momot T., Neumann D., Hennig C., Hansen G., et al. (2011).  Lung function and inflammation during murine Pseudomonas aeruginosa airway infection. Immunobiology. 216, 901–908.
Public Health Agency of Canada, (2011).  Measles.
Weir, M. H., & Haas C. N. (2011).  A model for in-vivo delivered dose estimation for inhaled Bacillus anthracis spores in humans with interspecies extrapolation. Environmental science & technology. 45, 5828–5833.
Weir, M.. H., & Haas C.. N. (2011).  A Model for In-vivo Delivered Dose Estimation for Inhaled ''Bacillus anthracis'' Spores in Humans with Interspecies Extrapolations. Environmental Science and Technology. 45, 5828-5833.
Zaki, S. A., & Karande S. (2011).  Multidrug-resistant typhoid fever: a review. The Journal of Infection in Developing Countries. 5(5), 
(2011).  National Water Program 2007-2012.
(2011).  A Nationwide Study of Campylobacter jejuni and Campylobacter coli Bacteremia in Finland Over a 10-Year Period, 1998–2007, With Special Reference to Clinical Characteristics and Antimicrobial Susceptibility. Clinical Infectious Diseases: An Official Publication of the Infectious Diseases Society of America. 53, 8.
Mathijs, E., Denayer S., Palmeira L., & Botteldoorn N. (2011).  Novel norovirus recombinants and of GII.4 sub-lineages associated with outbreaks between 2006 and 2010 in Belgium.
Baker, K., Morris j., & McCarthy N. (2011).   An outbreak of norovirus infection linked to oyster consumption at a UK restaurant, February 2010..
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, (2011).  Overview of Influenza Surveillance in the United States.
Kumar, S. (2011).  Paneer- An Indian soft cheese variant: a review..
Khan, SW. (2011).  Paneer Production: A review.
Bargellini, A., Marchesi I., Righi E., Ferrari A., Cencetti S., Borella P., et al. (2011).  Parameters predictive of Legionella contamination in hot water systems: association with trace elements and heterotrophic plate counts. Water research. 45, 2315–2321.
(2011).  Parasites - Cryptosporidium (also known as "Crypto").
Sabino, R., Veríssimo C., Cunha M. Ana, Wergikoski B., Ferreira F. C., Rodrigues R., et al. (2011).  Pathogenic fungi: an unacknowledged risk at coastal resorts? New insights on microbiological sand quality in Portugal. Marine pollution bulletin. 62, 1506–1511.
International Society for Infectious Diseases, (2011).  Promed.
Michen, B., Diatta A., Fritsch J., Aneziris C., & Graule T. (2011).  Removal of colloidal particles in ceramic depth filters based on diatomaceous earth. Separation and Purification Technology. 81(pp. 77-87), 
Brazeau, R. H., & Edwards M. A. (2011).  A review of the sustainability of residential hot water infrastructure: Public health, environmental impacts, and consumer drivers. College Publishing. 6, 77–95.
Nam, S.. U. K. U., , , , , , et al. (2011).  Risk factors for mortality in patients with Burkholderia cepacia complex bacteraemia. Scandinavian Journal of Infectious Diseases. 43, 792.
de Magny, GC., & Mozumder PK. (2011).   Role of zooplankton diversity in Vibrio cholerae population dynamics and in the incidence of cholera in the Bangladesh Sundarbans.
M. Trivendi, P. M. (2011).  Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS). 12, 1-31.
(2011).  Shower Water Reuse System to be force multiplier at FOBs..
Al-Sulaiman, S. A. Abdul- Wa (2011).  Sick building syndrome: in public buildings and workplace.