Červa (1967a,b) studied white mice of the Czechoslovak H-strain weighing 13-15 grams inoculated intranasally by placing 0.02 mL of the A1 strain of Acanthamoeba over the nares of the ethyl-ether anesthetized mice (Cerva, 1967b).
The beta-Poisson model provided the best fit to the data.
Cerva, L. (1967b). Intranasal, Intrapulmonary, and Intracardial Inoculation of Experimental Animals with Hartmanella castellanii. Folia Parasitologica (Praha), 14, 207–215.
Culbertson et al. (1966) studied the pathogenicity of the HN-3 strain of A. castellanii (Culbertson et al., 1966; Marciano-Cabral & Cabral, 2003) on ether-anesthetized-specific-pathogen-free (SPF) mice. Cultures of amebae were grown in trypticase soy broth and diluted so that 0.03 mL of a concentrated suspension could be instilled intranasally into the mice by placing fluid over the nares (Culbertson et al., 1966; Culbertson, Ensminger, & Overton, 1965a; Culbertson, Ensminger, & Overton, 1965b).
The exponential model provided the best fit to the data.
Figure 1. Parameter histogram for exponential model (uncertainty of the parameter)
Figure 2. Exponential model plot, with confidence bounds around optimized model
Culbertson, C. G., Holmes, D. H., & Overton, W. M. (1965b). Hartmanella castellani (Acanthamoeba sp.). The American Journal of Clinical Pathology, 43(4), 361–364.
Culbertson, C. G., Ensminger, P. W., & Overton, W. M. (1966). Hartmannella (Acanthamoeba): Experimental Chronic, Granulomatous Brain Infections Produced by New Isolates of Low Virulence. The American Journal of Clinical Pathology, 46(3), 305–314.
Plot of beta-Poisson model for pooled data of CD1 mice swimming for 5, 10, and 20 minutes with upper and lower 95% and 99% confidence.
Bootstrapped distribution of beta-Poisson parameter estimates for pooled data of CD1 mice swimming for 5, 10, and 20 minutes; the center marker (X) represents the maximum likelihood estimate.